Monday, June 29, 2009

exercise 5 week 3

I have uploaded a picture of Arthur River and tagged it elm2008 on Flickr, but can't find how I actually add it to my blog here?


  1. Hi Iris, you can include your picture on a blog post by telling blogger where to find it (the URL). Here's the general process:

    go to your flickr account and click on the picture, so that you're just viewing the one photo. Above the picture you'll see an 'All sizes' link. Click on that and a larger version will get displayed. You probably don't want to display this big image on your blog, so click on the 'Small' option to show a smaller copy.

    Underneath this small pic you'll see some code titled 'Grab this photo's URL' copy this (select, right click and chose 'copy') and then scoot on over to your dashboard.

    Create a new post and click on the 'add image' icon above the edit box. This will bring up a dialog box which has a spot for you to paste the URL of your image into (right click on the box and select 'paste').

    Whew, that's very long winded in words, but trust me, not too difficult once you've figured out which bits to click on :) Feel free to phone for help if it's all too much... 6233 4617

  2. Hi again iris. Deidre Brown found out some interesting facts about flickr:

    'found it under a link which said "Cant see your stuff? Find out why…"

    This is what it says

    If your account is new, first you need to upload at least 5 photos. After that minimum has been reached, then it shouldn't take more than a few days until your photos appear in searches, groups, etc. To make sure your photos show in searches, remember to add accurate tags and descriptions.'
